Saturday, July 27, 2024

NSW Ambulance makes gender parity history

NSW Ambulance has become the State’s first emergency service to reach gender parity in its ranks, with women now making up more than 50% of the NSW Ambulance workforce.

NSW Health Minister, Ryan Park was joined by NSW Minister for Women, Jodie Harrison and Member for Coogee, Marjorie O’Neill, to mark the milestone at Randwick Ambulance Superstation in Sydney.

“Today is about acknowledging the important contribution women make across all areas of the service,” Minister Park said.

“Dedicated and skilled women work across NSW Ambulance in many roles, including as paramedics, aeromedical crews, nurses, doctors, specialist rescue crews, call takers and dispatchers, and corporate and support staff.

“We are incredibly grateful for their contribution to the health system in NSW and thank them for their service to their communities.”

Minister Harrison said it was important that workforces reflect the people they serve.

“Workplace gender diversity matters and it is pleasing to see NSW Ambulance has achieved this,” Ms Harrison said.

“It is an important step for NSW Ambulance as an employer and for patient trust and care. We know that a diverse and inclusive workplace is beneficial to all employees – not just women – and has a positive impact on the organisation as a whole.”

NSW Health Secretary, Susan Pearce AM said women now occupied almost 45% of all leadership roles across the organisation, and made up the majority of the executive leadership team.

“NSW Health is committed to building a workforce that is representative of the community it serves, so I want to commend NSW Ambulance on reaching such an important milestone,” Ms Pearce said.

“Gender diversity is so important because it brings a breadth of perspectives, experiences and skills that enhance the quality of care we provide to our patients.”

NSW Ambulance Chief Executive, Dominic Morgan congratulated the women who have helped grow NSW Ambulance into the respected, skilled and diverse organisation it is today.

“I want to extend my sincere thanks to each and every one of the devoted women who helped us achieve this milestone,” Dr Morgan said.

Lee Clout (pictured, above) was the first female paramedic in NSW – making history as she joined the ranks in May 1979 at Wagga Wagga ambulance station.

“I’m really pleased that people are now being employed for their skills and experience, with women receiving the same opportunity,” Ms Clout said.

“Gender has got nothing to do with it. It’s just about what you can bring to the job.”

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