Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Youth Action Plan launched for WA

The WA Government has launched its new three-year Youth Action Plan to guide the delivery of a wide range of initiatives to improve outcomes for young people in the state.

The Youth Action Plan is named Koorlangka Bidi which means ‘young people’s path’ in Noongar.

“I’m incredibly proud to launch the State Government’s new Youth Action Plan which will help make Western Australia an even better place for young people,” said Youth Minister, Hannah Beazley (pictured).

“We know young people are eager to be involved in decision making to help shape WA’s future, and I thank everyone who has made their voice heard during the consultation process.

“The Youth Action Plan identifies key focus areas which reflect the issues that matter most to young people.”

More than 2,200 young people aged between 10 to 25 from across WA helped shape the plan by sharing their insights and ideas on the issues that matter most to them.

The themes heard most throughout the consultation process were used to develop the Youth Action Plan’s six focus areas: amplifying young voices, climate action, achieving goals, cost of living, supporting wellbeing, and embracing diversity and inclusion.

The consultation process included hearing from young people with diverse backgrounds and lived experiences from across the State, including First Nations young people, LGBTQIA+ young people, young people living with disability, culturally and linguistically diverse young people, young carers and young people living regionally or in rural or remote areas.

To read the full plan, visit

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