Saturday, July 27, 2024

VR training lab unveiled in Mackay

A new virtual reality training lab for the resources industry was unveiled at the Resources Centre of Excellence in Mackay today.

The Queensland Government has committed an extra $5.7 million in funding to expand the Centre to support emerging industry needs.

Speaking at the Resources Centre of Excellence, Resources Minister, Scott Stewart said the new training lab would provide faster and more diverse training options for workers.

“Developing a highly skilled and adaptable workforce is a key component of our 30-year plan for the resources sector, which will enable us to drive innovation and growth for decades to come,” said Mr Stewart.

“This week we announced $963,000 in funding for the Queensland Resources Council to establish a digital hub that will assist the industry in attracting and retaining a more diversified and inclusive workforce.

“By working in partnership with industry leaders and peak bodies through our Ministerial Advisory Group, we are building a strong foundation to future-proof Queensland’s resources industry.”

Developed by Next World Enterprises, the virtual reality training software provides immersive scenarios to help students understand the high-risk environment and potential hazards, without compromising their safety.

“The Resources Centre of Excellence is proud of the strategic role we play bringing together government, industry, education and research to foster innovation for the resources industry as a whole,” said CEO of the Resources Centre of Excellence, Stephen Boxall.

“The virtual reality training lab has been an 18-month collaboration with Next World Enterprises and it’s fantastic to see it come to fruition.

“It showcases the incredible depth of talent we have in Queensland to produce this cutting-edge technology.”

The launch coincided with the second Resources Ministerial Advisory Group meeting, bringing together government and resource industry leaders to drive Queensland’s 30-year-plan for the resources sector.

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