Saturday, July 27, 2024

Treasurer thanks departing Secretary

Victorian Treasurer, Tim Pallas, has today thanked Secretary of the Department of Treasury and Finance, David Martine, for his leadership following his decision to step down from the role after almost a decade.

Mr Pallas said he was advised by Mr Martine (pictured) of his impending departure last month.

“On behalf of the Andrews Labor Government, I thank Mr Martine for his exemplary performance and leadership in helping to make Victoria the jobs leader and economic powerhouse it is today,” the Treasurer said.

“He is a truly exceptional public servant who has served many governments at both state and federal level with the utmost professionalism and integrity.”

The Treasurer said Mr Martine had been an integral part of the delivery of 10 Victorian Budgets and the stewardship of the state through the pandemic. 

Current Department of Treasury and Finance Deputy Secretary (Economic), Chris Barrett, will take up the role of Secretary of the Department of Treasury and Finance in December.

“Mr Barrett, an economist with extensive experience in Australia and abroad, had been appointed by the Commonwealth Government to lead the Productivity Commission but we are pleased he has accepted an offer to remain in Victoria,” said Mr Pallas.

“Mr Barrett has led reforms at a wide range of organisations – including as CEO of Invest Victoria, Ambassador to the Australian Mission to the OECD and at the Department of Premier and Cabinet, as well as other state and federal government positions, and will continue to be an outstanding leader for our Department.”

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