Saturday, July 27, 2024

Tasmanian mobile phone and seatbelt cameras go live

New mobile phone and seatbelt enforcement cameras are now operating around Tasmania in a bid to save lives and reduce road trauma.

Minister for Infrastructure and Transport, Michael Ferguson said the State had seen 18 lives needlessly lost on roads already this year.

“We remain committed to improving road safety for all Tasmanians, saving lives and preventing serious life-changing injuries,” Mr Ferguson said.

“The new mobile phone and seatbelt cameras will be located at hundreds of approved sites around Tasmania and operate both day and night and in all weather conditions. 

“Just like our mobile speed cameras, they can be anywhere and at any time.  

“These cameras are important because distraction and seatbelt non-compliance are a factor in 24 and 9% respectively of Tasmania’s fatal and serious injury crashes.”

Drivers caught not wearing a seatbelt or illegally using a mobile phone will receive a $390 fine and three demerit points under the new scheme.

“To coincide with the start of mobile phone and seatbelt enforcement in Tasmania, the Government launched a new public education campaign ‘Click. Store. Go’,” said Minister Ferguson.

“This campaign reminds motorists of the risks of distracted driving or not wearing a seatbelt, and that mobile phone and seatbelt cameras are now operating in Tasmania.

“The message is simple. Click on your seatbelt, Store your phone away, and you are good to Go,” he said.

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