Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Tablelands transport plan on the table

South East and Tablelands communities are being invited to have their say on a draft blueprint for the region’s future road and transport network.

The NSW Government’s draft South East and Tablelands Strategic Regional Integrated Transport Plan (SRITP) outlines a vision for regional transport where communities are better connected by high quality road and transport infrastructure and services.

By identifying actions governments can take to improve transport options in line with future population growth and projected demographic changes, the draft SRITP presents potential short, medium and long term progress opportunities for the community to consider, said Minister for Regional Transport and Roads, Jenny Aitchison.

“For too long there has been an ad-hoc, disjointed, siloed approach to planning for future road and transport infrastructure in regional NSW. I know that to deliver real solutions for regional communities, we have to listen to regional communities,” said Ms Aitchison.

“The SRITPs we are developing in nine regions across NSW will change this and help better guide future government decision making around investments and community priorities.”

Building on previous planning documents and developed through extensive consultation with local councils, members of parliament and community groups, the draft SRITP is now being shared with the broader community for the first time.

Community members can view the draft SRITP and provide comment until 28 February, 2025, by visiting

A survey has been designed to allow community to easily provide feedback on the key themes heard so far and the initiatives in the plan.

More detailed feedback is also welcome and can be uploaded or sent to  

“I urge all residents, businesses, community and industry groups to visit the website, take a look at the draft plan and share your feedback,” said Minister Aitchison.

“A lot of work has gone into developing the draft and we want to make sure Transport for NSW gets it right when it comes to developing the final plan.”

Once all feedback is considered, the final plan will be prepared and released next year, the Minister confirmed.

“The final plan will be accompanied by an implementation plan to ensure we deliver better transport and road networks across the region and I am excited to see what the community feedback is and what the final plan looks like,” she said.

During the public feedback period in February, Transport for NSW representatives will also be out talking to local communities in the region, listening to feedback at various pop-up locations.

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