Saturday, October 12, 2024

Queensland launches new Women in Manufacturing strategy

The Queensland Government today officially launched a new Women in Manufacturing (WIM) strategy.

Minister for Regional Development and Manufacturing, Glenn Butcher said the aim of the new strategy is to attract and retain women in the industry, with particular focus on increasing participation in traditionally male-dominated roles.

“This International Women’s Day, I’m proud to launch this strategy aimed at achieving a more gender-equal manufacturing industry in Queensland,” the Minister said.

“Manufacturing has consistently contributed more than $20 billion per annum to the state’s economy over the past decade, and that number continues to grow.

“Increasing women in manufacturing by promoting an inclusive culture, makes employees feel they belong and contributes to a more diverse, robust industry,” he said.

He said experts had identified four priority areas, which will be the focus points for the strategy, to help women secure good manufacturing jobs in Queensland:

  • Supporting diversity, equity and inclusion in the manufacturing industry;
  • Building on our existing capabilities and skills to further women’s leadership and development;
  • Boosting women’s participation in VET (vocational education and training), building the STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) pipeline and promoting advanced manufacturing capabilities throughout secondary and tertiary studies;
  • Celebrating and showcasing the women in Queensland’s manufacturing industry.

“I’ve visited a large number of Queensland manufacturers, where women are working in a diverse range of roles – from the shop floor, to CEO – and there’s no doubt the diverse working culture leads to better outcomes,” said Mr Butcher.

“Having a bigger workforce of people with broad range of lived experiences will help Queensland cement its reputation as a world-leading manufacturing powerhouse.”

The Queensland Government’s Manufacturing Ministerial Council Sub-Group for Women contributed to the development of the strategy.

Established in 2022, the sub-group brought together experts to provide advice on the WIM Strategy action.

“Women bring valuable and highly prized qualities to the workplace and therefore we should be encouraging them to consider manufacturing as a career option,” said Sub-Group Policy and Project Lead, Mel Ireland.

“We know that 29% of the manufacturing workforce is women, however, those women are over-represented in administrative roles. Our goal is to open up a range of pathways, from the factory floor to the boardroom, so that women might find their place in the manufacturing sector as easily as their male counterparts do.

“The Sub-Group for Women has been proud to contribute and shape this strategy and we look forward to seeing it implemented and making a real improvement for women in manufacturing,” she said. 

The WIM strategy can be found here

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