Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Photo ID tech to bolster security

The NSW Government is set to pilot photo verification technology, enabling secure and convenient online proof-of-identity transactions for both government and business.  

NSW Minister for Customer Service and Digital Government, Victor Dominello said the technology will always be opt-in and will put customers in charge of their personal information like never before. 

“Recent cyber breaches have underlined the need to keep the control of our private information in the hands of the customer and stop the need for the continual oversharing of our personal details,” Mr Dominello said. 

“We have put privacy, security and customer control at the heart of the NSW Digital ID, and its pilots. 

“Customers will be able to store their encrypted personal information securely on their own device meaning it will not be held centrally by Government or a private entity. 

“And customers can be confident that no biometric or photo data will be stored once successfully verified.” 

Mr Dominello said the NSW Digital ID program will build and improve on the work already done by the Federal myGovID program. 

“The NSW Digital ID program will provide customers with the ability to prove their identity through a secure digital channel when transacting with government, businesses or non-government organisations,” he said. 

“In doing so, it will unlock a range of possibilities for more inclusive and secure digital government services. 

“NSW customers have already embraced the Digital Drivers Licence with over 75 per cent of licence holders opting in to access their licence via the Service NSW app. 

“The NSW Digital Identity will take things to the next level, increasing convenience and customer control over what personal information and credentials are shared with whom.” 

The pilot, which commences this month, will enable customers to renew their Working with Children Check remotely via the Service NSW and conduct proof of age checks for online alcohol purchases via the Service NSW app. 

Ongoing tests will continue throughout the piloting of this technology with Privacy Impact Assessments including regular consultation with the Information and Privacy Commissioner, Fraud Risk Assessments, Security Risk Assessments, compliance with the NSW AI Assurance Framework and other safeguards, to ensure the privacy and security of customers. 

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