Saturday, July 27, 2024

Perth to host premier agrifood tech event

Agriculture and Food Minister, Jackie Jarvis, today announced that the Asia-Pacific region’s premier agrifood tech event, AgriFutures evokeAG. is heading to Perth in 2024.

The conference, which is set to attract agrifood innovators from around the world such as farmers, processors, innovators, accelerators, start-ups, researchers, universities, corporates, Government and investors will be held at Perth Convention and Exhibition Centre on 20 and 21 February next year.

“Driving innovation and increasing adoption of technology across the agrifood supply chain is a key priority for the McGowan Government,” said Minister Jarvis.

“AgriFutures and DPIRD have a strong working relationship and for several years there has been an intention to bring evokeAG. to Perth.

“Western Australia’s strong connection with Asia and our excellent universities means we are well placed to become a hub for agrifood innovation and investment into the future.

“We look forward to hosting evokeAG – bringing together innovators from across the country and around the world, to look at new possibilities for food and farming in the future,” she said.

The event has grown in popularity since its inception in 2019 and was most recently held in Adelaide where it attracted more than 1,600 delegates from 20 countries.

“evokeAG. is an important event that will attract hundreds of out-of-State delegates from across Australia and around the world and provide an important economic boost for the State,” said WA Tourism Minister, Roger Cook.

“Business events support WA’s tourism and hospitality industry not only through interstate and overseas delegates’ attendance, but also through raising the profile of our State in hosting such events and highlighting the incredible tourism opportunities that Perth and our regions have to offer.

“This event also allows WA to showcase not only our capacity in the agritech field, but also what the State has to offer to visitors, from world-class food to unique tourism experiences,” he said.

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