The Northern Territory Government has announced new appointments to the Liquor Commission.
The commission has a total of nine members on the board, representing the NT’s legal, health and industry sectors.
With Richard Coates retiring from his role as Chair, Russell Goldflam will be appointed Chair of the Liquor Commission, with Jodi Truman (pictured) as Deputy Chair.
Chief Minister and Minister for Alcohol Policy, Natasha Fyles said both bring a wealth of legal and community expertise to the commission, with them both sitting on the board for the past five years.
“We are putting Territorians first with world-leading alcohol reforms to cut alcohol related harm and reduce antisocial behaviour in our community. This included measures like the Banned Drinkers Register, risk-based licensing and Police Auxiliary Liquor Inspectors – but we know there is still more work to do,” said Chief Minister Fyles.
“Members for the Liquor Commission have years of experience in the health, legal and business space.

“Chaired by Russell Goldflam and Jodi Truman respectively, the board will have independent decision making powers about liquor licences, and hearing determinations.
“I thank Mr Richard Coates and the members of the previous Liquor Commission for taking the time to contribute to the Territory.”
The commission is an independent statutory authority with extensive powers to regulate liquor licensing in the Northern Territory, with it being the primary decision-maker in regards to liquor licence applications and in hearing and determining complaints.
Members will sit on the board for the next three years.
New Liquor Commission appointments includes:
- Russell Goldflam, Chairperson
- Jodi Truman, Deputy Chairperson
- Rachael Shanahan
- Denys Stedman
Current Liquor Commission Members:
- Phillip Carson
- Elizabeth Stephenson
- Bernard Dwyer
- Katrina Fong Lim
- Sean Taylor.