Saturday, July 27, 2024

Free TAFE program expanded

The Victorian Government is set to deliver more Free TAFE courses to build the state’s most in-demand industries – with new free courses available in emergency healthcare, mental health, family violence and agriculture in 2023 announced today.

Minister for Training and Skills, Gayle Tierney today visited Victoria University’s simulated ambulance lab to announce the Diploma of Emergency Health Care will be one of four new priority Free TAFE courses and six new short courses the Government will deliver from next year.

“It’s only a Labor Government that will deliver the health infrastructure our state needs and a world-class workforce – adding critical health courses to Free TAFE will boost our workforce to get every Victorian the care they deserve,” said Minister Tierney.

“Free TAFE has helped more than 122,000 Victorians embark on a rewarding new career – we’re adding courses in in-demand industries to make sure students can get a great job straight out of their training.”

The Diploma course is currently delivered at Victoria University and Swinburne University, and qualifies students to work in non-emergency patient transport as Ambulance Transport Attendants, Patient Transport Officers and Ambulance Community Officers – as well as providing a pathway into university paramedicine courses.

Other new courses to be added to the Free TAFE list for 2023 include Certificate III in Production Horticulture, Graduate Certificate in Client Assessment and Case Management – which upskills health and community services workers in the family violence field, and the Diploma of Interpreting (Auslan).

Six short courses will also be made available next year under Free TAFE, including courses in mental health, agricultural chemical handling and electric and hybrid automotive maintenance.

For the full list of more than 70 Free TAFE courses, visit

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