Five Australian architectural design teams have been shortlisted to participate in the NSW Government’s Design Competition to renew Powerhouse Ultimo to the tune of up to $500 million.
NSW Minister for the Arts, Ben Franklin said the competition was the next major milestone in the building’s renewal as part of the State Government’s once-in-a-generation investment into cultural infrastructure.
“The renewal of Powerhouse Ultimo is a momentous project for NSW that will deliver new and expanded spaces to present exhibitions to showcase the Powerhouse’s significant collection, international exhibitions programs, and dedicated fashion and design galleries,” Mr Franklin said.
“The Powerhouse Ultimo is committed to showcasing excellence in art, design, science and technology. This is a unique opportunity for one of the shortlisted design teams to leave a lasting impression on our city and reinforce Sydney’s reputation as a global cultural destination.
“I’d like to thank every Australian-based design team that registered interest to create a bold and innovative plan for this significant museum.”
Powerhouse Chief Executive, Lisa Havilah said shortlisted teams would now develop their concept designs before presenting them to the competition jury.
“The Powerhouse is thrilled these five innovative Australian design teams have been selected to develop a concept for the renewal of the Powerhouse,” Ms Havilah said.
“We look forward to seeing bold and ambitious ideas that will place the museum at the very forefront of contemporary museum practice for the benefit of our communities.”
The five shortlisted design teams are:
- Architectus, Durbach Block Jaggers Architects, Tyrrell Studio, Youssofzay + Hart, Akira Isogawa and Yerrabingin submitting under the working title SPARK.
- BVN and Oculus with OCP Architects, TTW, Eckersley O’Callaghan, Transsolar Klima Engineering.
- Cox Architecture, Neeson Murcutt Neille, Other Architects, Hector Abrahams Architects, Sue Barnsley Design and Arup.
- John Wardle Architects, Billy Maynard, ASPECT Studios, Bangawarra, Eckersley O’Callaghan, Atelier Ten and Urbis.
- Tonkin Zulaikha Greer Architects, JMD Design, TCL, Sibling Architecture, Freeman Ryan Design, Atelier Ten.
The Design Competition is being managed by City Lab on behalf of Create NSW, Powerhouse and Infrastructure NSW, alongside a jury of architecture and cultural industry experts chaired by Wendy Lewin LFRAIA, Commissioner, NSW Independent Planning Commission and Principal, Wendy Lewin Architects.
Find more information about the shortlisted design teams and the Powerhouse Ultimo renewal on the Museum of Applied Arts & Sciences website.