Monday, January 20, 2025

ESTA CEO to step down

Victoria’s Emergency Services Telecommunications Authority (ESTA) CEO, Stephen Leane APM, has advised the Government that he will not seek to renew his contract when it expires on 31 July.

The current ESTA Deputy CEO, Debra Abbott APM has been appointed as CEO effective from Mr Leane’s departure date. 

Mr Leane started as ESTA CEO in April last year, having acted as interim CEO in October 2021 upon a request from the Victorian Government to take on the leadership role during the toughest time in the organisation’s history. He has been a board member since October 2020 and will also be stepping down from this role.

Minister for Emergency Services, Jaclyn Symes said Mr Leane has played a pivotal role in leading the organisation through the COVID-19 pandemic and the October 2022 flood event.

“Mr Leane has been instrumental in implementing change at ESTA and has supported the delivery of significant reform across the organisation during his tenure,” she said.

“I would like to thank Mr Leane for his utter commitment to Victoria’s triple zero service and emergency services sector, and wish him and his loved ones all the best for the future.”

She said Mr Leane has been integral in restoring community confidence in ESTA after the impacts of the pandemic, and implementing cultural change and reform following reviews into the organisation by former Victoria Police Chief Commissioner Graeme Ashton and the Inspector General for Emergency Management.

Mr Leane also served as the Victorian Road Safety Camera Commissioner between December 2019 and June 2022, during which time he ensured the accuracy, integrity and efficiency of Victoria’s road safety camera system including fixed and mobile cameras, served with Victoria Police for 40 years and has been Deputy President of the Police Registration and Services Board since November 2020.

Mr Leane will start previously-planned leave from late May until the conclusion of his contract in July.

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