Saturday, September 14, 2024

Belconnen Oval wetland works dig in

Work has begun on Belconnen’s newest wetland in the north of Canberra.

ACT Minister for Water, Energy and Emissions Reduction, Shane Rattenbury said the new wetland being built at the Belconnen Oval will help to remove harmful nutrients before they enter Lake Ginninderra.

“The wetland being built at Belconnen Oval will help improve water quality in Lake Ginninderra, provide habitat for native species and provide an excellent place for local residents to enjoy,” Minister Rattenbury said.

“New trees and water plants will be planted around the wetland which will filter an estimated 30 per cent of harmful nutrients like phosphorous before it enters the lake.

“The end result will be a beautiful and healthy wetland that provides habitat for native plants and wildlife. Temporary fences will surround the area for the community’s safety to restrict access until works are completed.”

The works are part of the ACT Government’s Healthy Waterways Program, which has been designed to remove pollutants from stormwater before it flows into our lakes and ponds.

“Through projects like the floating wetlands in Lake Tuggeranong and the re-naturalisation of Tuggeranong Creek, we are helping to foster our native biodiversity across the city, reduce harmful pollutants, keep our water safe, and preserve Canberra’s natural environment,” said Mr Rattenbury.

“In the 2023-24 Budget we provided a further $8.2 million to the Healthy Waterways Program to help deliver a range of projects to help achieve this goal.”

Construction on the Belconnen Oval Wetland is expected to be completed by mid-2024.

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