Wednesday, October 16, 2024

ACT Govt releases education inquiry paper for feedback

A Consultation Paper for the Literacy and Numeracy Education Inquiry (the Inquiry) has been released by the ACT Government today for public comment.

The Inquiry was established by the ACT Government to give the Minister for Education and Youth Affairs, Yvette Berry independent advice on opportunities for strengthening literacy and numeracy outcomes for all ACT public school students, with a particular focus on equity.

“We already know the ACT performs well compared to other jurisdictions, but this inquiry is a chance to review what is and isn’t working and look at success stories from around the world,” Minister Berry said.

“The ACT aims to deliver the best possible education for all our children and young people. I look forward to receiving the Expert Panel’s advice.”

The Inquiry’s Expert Panel (the Panel) is looking to hear from the ACT community, key stakeholders and education experts.

The Consultation Paper includes 20 questions regarding literacy and numeracy that cover: what students are taught; how they are taught; how students are supported; how staff are supported; and school improvement.

The Consultation Paper is available on the Inquiry website with responses due by 14 February 2024.

“This Inquiry is a real opportunity to review the evidence and provide practical recommendations to strengthen our great public school system,” said Expert Panel Chair, Professor Barney Dalgarno.

Professor Barney Dalgarno.

“The Expert Panel held our first meeting yesterday and has begun with a focus on reviewing the data and current practices in literacy and numeracy education.

“The Consultation Paper is the first stage in our conversations with the ACT community, key stakeholders and experts. There are 20 questions covering key areas of interest for the panel and we will have submissions open until mid-February.”

Alongside the Consultation Paper, the Panel has also launched an accessible 7 question survey.

“For those not able to make a submission, the Panel has developed a short 7 question survey that will enable the ACT community to share their opinions. This will support the Panel to understand local perspectives,” Professor Dalgarno said.

The Expert Panel will have a series of meetings, roundtables and school visits in the new year to support their work.

“We will make time to visit schools, meet with experts, community stakeholders and families, and hear from those working in and with the system,” he said.

“We have had initial meetings with principals and school system leaders which have informed the Panel about the diversity of ACT public schools. The Panel are looking forward to meeting with researchers and organisations in January before connecting with ACT school communities in February.”

More information about the Literacy and Numeracy Inquiry can be found at

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