Wednesday, February 12, 2025

ACT Government releases plan to fund homelessness services

The ACT Government wants to end homelessness for good with the release of a Strategic Investment Plan that focuses on co-design, trust and respect within the sector. 

The Government says it is working to ensure that trusted sector partners and people with lived experience are central in the planning, design and delivery of services for people experiencing or at risk of homelessness. 

The plan outlines the future commissioning approach to co-design and invest in homelessness services that will ensure that the right services are available for those who need them. 

The funding approach has been informed by various consultation including 19 workshops, 5 deep dive discussions, and multiple conversations with service users, the Territory Government said today. 

The investment phase of commissioning will now begin, with community support services being funded with long-term agreements that take an outcomes-focused approach to end homelessness. 

ACT Minister for Homelessness, Rebecca Vassarotti said this new approach will see Government trusting and supporting the sector to create a response system that is more flexible, responsive, and culturally appropriate to new and emerging needs. 

“This plan places trust back into the sector and community to tell us what needs to happen to make homelessness in Canberra rare, brief and non-recurring. It builds on our learnings and successes that came out of responding to the COVID-19 pandemic,” Minister Vassarotti said. 

“Homelessness can be solved. It will take time, but through genuine commitment and co-design with those on the frontline of support and those who have lived experience, we will fund initiatives that will truly address the complexity of homelessness. 

“The process to date has provided key insights around the whole system design as well as how to best deliver central planks such as the central intake service. However, it is also clear that there is more co-design work to be done. The OneLink report highlights key areas for further expansion of the service which will be explored through the commissioning process through the sector, to further develop and deliver the best possible service in our homelessness landscape.” 

Minister for Housing and Suburban Development, Yvette Berry said the plan was an important tool in delivering Goal 2 of the ACT Housing Strategy to reduce homelessness. 

“Reducing homelessness is more than about putting a roof over someone’s head. This investment plan will provide the opportunity to work closely with the sector and develop solutions that support the most vulnerable in our community to transition into stable, permanent accommodation,” the Minister said. 

“Thanks to current homelessness service providers, those with a lived experience of homelessness, and other key stakeholders who participated in the commissioning engagement process between January and June 2022.” 

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