The 90 schools set to benefit from the Queensland Government’s $29 million playground and tuckshop upgrades program have been announced – with six located across North Queensland.
In the latest round of funding, $385,000 will be spent at Jarvisfield State School to install a new playground and almost $250,000 to refurbish the tuckshop at Bowen State High School.
Expanding on the initial $20 million Eat right, play right, learn well initiative – that saw 60 schools receive funding – an extra $29 million was announced as part of the 2023-24 State Budget to ensure more schools could benefit from the popular program.
“This will be money well spent from the Cape to the capital, ensuring our students have access to healthy and nutritious tuckshop meals and modern playground equipment to help our students be active and engaged,” said Minister for Education, Grace Grace.
“This hugely popular initiative is all about supporting the health and wellbeing of students.
“And, it has been so popular that the department is reviewing all remaining eligible applications and looking at how we can provide funding.
“So, if your school has made an application but hasn’t heard back yet, watch this space.”
Through the program, schools were able to apply for funding of up to $500,000 to upgrade playgrounds, including to replace soft fall surfacing and install shade cover structures, and for tuckshops to purchase items such as catering appliances and equipment, install stainless steel benches and upgrade facilities.
The tuckshop and playground upgrade program prioritises funding schools in disadvantaged areas where these upgrades are needed most.

Garbutt State School received $317,000 to build a new tuckshop and kitchen as one of 60 schools that shared in the fund’s initial $20 million pot.
“This fantastic project will allow students to use the tuckshop as a learning space for our focus this year on sustainability with recycling, bush tucker garden and growing our own food – the tuckshop is our school’s only kitchen facility and is also the base for our daily breakfast club,” said Garbutt State School Principal, Jackie Guiney.
“A focus on indigenous cooking, healthy food and cooking skills in conjunction with the local Indigenous Health Service will allow us to meet the needs of our First Nations students – 85% of around 100 students enrolled – and embed their culture into our curriculum and teaching, building understanding.”
A full list of the 90 successful schools is available here.