Thirty-one new constables have joined the Northern Territory Police Force frontline.
The officers will be posted to various stations across the Territory including Alice Springs, Katherine, Tennant Creek, Borroloola and Galiwin’ku.
Fourteen will remain in the greater Darwin region at Darwin, Casuarina and Palmerston stations.
Minister for Police, Fire & Emergency Services, Kate Worden said there have never been more police in the NT.
“Territory Labor continue to deliver more police for our community. There are more police in training to start their careers,” she said.

“These new recruits are now beginning their careers with the NT Police and I congratulate them on choosing to serve and protect the Northern Territory community.
“We are giving our police the resources they need to keep the community safe and to respond to Territorians in need.”
There are currently 47 recruits at the NT Police college. Since January, 97 constables have graduated from training, along with 61 auxiliaries.