Monday, February 17, 2025

$23m funding round to address pedestrian safety

The Victorian Government today announced a new $23 million round of funding for local government road safety infrastructure and pedestrian safety upgrades, with 25 pedestrians killed on local roads so far this year.

Minister for Roads and Road Safety, Melissa Horne said this round of funding will support developments at priority sites, including a pedestrian crossing upgrade at the intersection of Gaffney and Camdon Streets in Pascoe Vale, wombat crossings at busy intersections in Ocean Grove and Highton, and other pedestrian upgrades in Benalla, Kangaroo Flat Wangaratta and funding for planning in Williamstown.

“This investment will go a long way to improve pedestrian safety right across the state – by giving local councils the chance to address the issues and concerns impacting their communities,” the Minister said.

“We are building safe roads across the state for all road users and making it easier for everyone to get where they need to go, especially pedestrians.”

She said the Safe System Pedestrian Infrastructure program aims to improve pedestrian safety across the state by investing in upgrades at locations where pedestrian crashes have been identified, or where there is a high risk.

“Working with local councils is integral to improving safety infrastructure to better protect pedestrians, make the roads safer and more livable for everyone who uses them,” said Transport Accident Commission CEO, Tracey Slatter.

The package supports Victoria’s Road Safety Strategy 2021-2030 which aims to significantly reduce road trauma and halve road deaths by 2030. 

“We’re supporting communities across the state to protect some of our most vulnerable road users by providing grants to prevent and reduce the number of lives lost and serious injuries on our roads,” said Road Safety Victoria Executive Director, Marcelo Vidales.

“We all have a role to play in looking out for each other and sharing the road safely, especially for those who are walking on local roads and streets,” he said.

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