Friday, February 14, 2025

WorkCover WA CEO reappointed

The WA Government has confirmed the reappointment of Chris White as Chief Executive Officer of WorkCover WA for a period of five years.

Mr White (pictured) has held the position since 2017 and led the implementation of the Workers Compensation and Injury Management Act 2023.

Under Mr White’s stewardship, WorkCover WA has provided effective oversight of Western Australia’s workers compensation and injury management scheme – ensuring vital supports for injured workers while maintaining affordable premiums for employers, said Industrial Relations Minister, Simone McGurk.

“During Mr White’s time as WorkCover WA’s CEO he has been a strong advocate for maintaining the integrity and stability of the Western Australian scheme,” said Ms McGurk.

“I know Mr White will continue to do an excellent job and I look forward to continue to work with him to ensure vital support for injured workers in WA.”

The new Act delivers on the Cook Government’s 2021 election commitments to increase the cap on medical and health expenses and extends the point a worker’s income compensation payments step down, from 13 to 26 weeks.  

It also provides catastrophically injured workers lifetime care and support, under the catastrophic injuries support scheme, on the same footing as a person catastrophically injured from a motor vehicle accident.

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