The WA Government has announced it will provide $200,000 in funding to progress the establishment of an independent service organisation and peak body to support Aboriginal languages in Western Australia.
The funding will allow the continuation of work started in March 2024 by the Western Australian Network of Aboriginal Language Centres (WANALC), now known as Aboriginal Languages WA, which has been supported by the Kimberley Language Resource Centre.
“I am proud that this $200,000 extension in funding will allow Aboriginal Languages WA to continue their work towards establishing a peak body for Aboriginal languages in Western Australia,” said Culture and the Arts Minister, David Templeman.
“This important work will establish a voice for the WA Aboriginal languages sector and help to ensure languages remain strong and flourish.”
Aboriginal Languages WA aims to drive and empower legislative and policy changes to achieve lasting and positive outcomes to strengthen Aboriginal languages across the State.
The funding supports the Government’s commitment to meeting Target 16 of the National Agreement on Closing the Gap, which aims to ensure Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures and languages are strong, supported and flourishing.
“This funding commitment is an important step in supporting Aboriginal communities to strengthen and grow their languages,” said Aboriginal Affairs Minister, Dr Tony Buti.
“This reflects our government’s ongoing commitment ensuring the intergenerational transfer of Aboriginal knowledge, culture and language.”
The support is in line with the four priority reforms outlined in the National Agreement, the WA Government’s Aboriginal Empowerment Strategy and commitment to support the development of Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisations.
The Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries is the lead agency for Outcome 16.