Saturday, July 27, 2024

Victoria Police drive home recruitment message

Victoria Police says tens of thousands of people who’ve expressed interest in pursuing a career in policing will be contacted as part of a major new recruitment drive.

More than 40,000 potential recruits who have previously applied to join Victoria Police but missed out, registered for a careers information session or signed up to learn about the police fitness test will be contacted over coming weeks, Victoria Police said in a statement.

Those who have withdrawn an application will also be included.

“We know these people have shown an interest in policing at some point so it makes sense to check in,” said Acting Superintendent Charmaine Hosking, of the Victoria Police Recruitment Division.

“Life circumstances change, people’s priorities change and now might just be the time for them to pick up where they left off.

“Policing is a challenging, rewarding career and we don’t want anyone to discount all it can provide.”

The recruitment drive coincides with the staging of a dedicated policing careers expo where people can learn more about joining the force.

The event is also being held within the university offer period, with Victoria Police keen to ensure young people don’t discount starting a policing career early.

“The start of the year is a great time for people to evaluate their career options,” said A/Superintendent Hosking.

“That’s why we’re so keen to get out and talk to anyone keen to pull on the blue uniform.

“We haven’t held a careers expo since before Covid, so please take the opportunity to come along and talk to our recruitment team.

“It could be the start of an amazing career.”

She said the potential police pool, comprising people Victoria Police has been in contact with as far back as 2016, will receive an email or phone call to check whether their circumstances have changed and their interest in speaking about Victoria Police’s career options.

Those interested will be supported with further information and guided through the application process.

It’s the first time Victoria Police has embarked on such an effort.

The 18 January careers expo, to be held at Kensington Town Hall, will enable potential recruits to learn more about the opportunities working in policing can provide.

Attendees will be talked through the recruitment process and get the chance to meet police working in general duties and specialist units.

While the force continues to look to people with life experience for much of its recruitment pool, it is reminding suitable younger people including those who have recently finished secondary school or taken a gap year they can also be considered.

Those who have been involved in volunteer work, demonstrated leadership qualities and played community sport are especially well placed to apply.

Part-time work, particularly in customer service, can also assist in demonstrating an aptitude for a policing role.

Applicants do not need an Australian Tertiary Admission Rank to apply but must have completed year 12 if aged under 21.

Anyone interested in a policing career and the upcoming expo, to run from 3pm-8pm, can find further information at

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