Monday, February 17, 2025

Victim advisory council for Tasmania

A new advisory council is set to provide victim-survivors of family and sexual violence a direct platform to contribute to Tasmanian Government policy.

Minister for Women and the Prevention of Family Violence, Madeleine Ogilvie, announced Tasmania’s first Victim-Survivor Advisory Council today.

“The Tasmanian Government understands that listening to the lived experiences of victim-survivors is crucial in refining our approach to ensure all homes and communities are safe from family and sexual violence,” said Minister Ogilvie.

“Victim-survivors possess invaluable perspectives that can guide the path forward, and through our 2030 Strong Plan for Tasmania’s Future, we are committed to ensuring their voices are heard as part of keeping Tasmania the best place to live, work, and raise a family.

“As part of our $100 million Third Family and Sexual Violence Action Plan 2022-2027: Survivors at the Centre, the Victim-Survivor Advisory Council will meet three times a year to provide insights that directly influence policy and programs aimed at preventing and responding to violence. Members will be remunerated for their time and expertise, recognising the significant role their lived experience plays in shaping effective solutions.”

Minister Ogilvie also noted the council members will undergo induction and training this month to support their involvement in this vital work.

“The Council brings together individuals with diverse experiences of family and sexual violence, ensuring a broad range of perspectives inform how the Tasmanian Government can improve responses and preventive measures,” she said.

“Under our 2030 Strong Plan for Tasmania’s Future, we are also funding 100 Rapid Rehousing homes for women and children escaping family violence, delivering substantial funding to our Arch Centres around the state, investing in shelters, implementing the groundbreaking Sex Offender Disclosure Scheme and expanding the Just Healthy Families Program for easier access to legal advice for those affected by family violence.”

For more information on the Family and Sexual Violence Action Plan and the Victim-Survivor Advisory Council, visit the Safe From Violence website.

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