Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Tasmanian Police catch 27 drivers on phone in one hour blitz

A traffic operation conducted by Tasmania Police in Hobart yesterday afternoon caught 27 drivers caught using their mobile phones within just one hour.

Penalties of 3 demerit points and $404 fine were issued for the offence.

Police are reminding drivers that it is illegal to:
• hold a mobile phone in your hand or rest it on any part of your body while driving (whether or not you are on a phone call);
• type or enter anything into a mobile phone;
• send or look at anything that is on a mobile phone (including text messages);
• turn a mobile phone on or off;
• operate any other function of a mobile phone.

All learners and P1 provisional (first year) licence holders are banned from using mobile phones whilst driving (including when a vehicle is stationary, but not parked). This includes hands-free and voice-activation mode.

Sergeant Andrew Sulman of Southern Road Police Services said that mobile phone use was considered one of the fatal five offences and it was disappointing that police continue to detect people driving whilst distracted by their phones.

“Safety on our roads is a priority for Tasmania Police. We will continue to conduct both highly visible and covert operations that target the fatal five – speeding, fatigue, distraction, seatbelts, and alcohol and drugs,” he said.

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