Wednesday, February 12, 2025

SA program gives women a business launchpad

An innovative program providing personalised business coaching and micro business loans is helping eligible South Australian women to start, develop and grow their own small businesses.

The LaunchMe SA program – a partnership between the Department of Human Services and Good Shepherd Australia New Zealand – assisted 31 women with access to no interest business loans of up to $5,000, as well as business coaching and resources, in the 2023-24 financial year.

The program is again helping more women this financial year, backed by funding support from the State Government.

“The Malinauskas Government is committed to empowering South Australian women to start and run their own businesses,” said Minister for Small and Family Business, Andrea Michaels.

This LaunchMe SA program is the latest example of how our government is supporting female business owners to break down barriers and succeed, operating in conjunction with our highly successful Women in Business program, which has assisted more than 2000 women since we’ve come to government.”

So far, the program – for women earning under $75,000 and with a viable business idea – has supported participants to develop small businesses and solo ventures including a driving instructor, tea shop owner, martial arts school, biomedical clinical trials, mobile makeup artist, counsellor, organic skin care business and movement coach.

Participants learnt how to generate revenue from their business ideas, with the women reporting improved knowledge in managing their business and their money.

Women who have completed the program told Good Shepherd through surveys they no longer needed to borrow money to pay off debts, they had strategies to reduce stress and anxiety, and they were more satisfied with their standard of living.

“LaunchMe participants have told us that they have gained valuable business skills, they feel that the experience has improved their financial independence and wellbeing and prepared them well for future business opportunities,” said Good Shepherd Australia New Zealand CEO, Stella Avramopoulos.

In addition to one-on-one business coaching, the program provides webinars with experts including business strategists, legal practitioners, and social media marketing consultants.

The program is currently funded by the State Government through to 30 June 2025.

For more information about LaunchMe, go to or phone 1300 099 998.

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