Saturday, September 14, 2024

SA Govt floats seafood sector cost recovery policy review

The South Australian Government has today released the Independent Cost Recovery Review Panel’s reports into cost recovery for the State’s commercial fisheries and aquaculture sectors.

Key findings of the Independent Panel included strong overall support and goodwill from stakeholders for the cost recovery concept in the South Australian fisheries and aquaculture sectors, along with a desire to improve the current cost recovery system.

Areas for improvement that were identified included regular benchmarking and review of PIRSA’s compliance and research programs, and a more comprehensive performance framework for cost recovery.

Minister for Primary Industries, Regional Development and Forestry, Clare Scriven said the review delivers on an election commitment announced by the Malinauskas Labor Government in March 2022 to ensure the current models were sustainable and appropriate.

“Our $508 million seafood sector is vitally important to the South Australian economy and is why the State Government today re-affirms its commitment to the sustainable and equitable management of South Australia’s fisheries and aquaculture industries as initially reflected in our election promise to review the cost recovery models,” said Ms Scriven.

“While the Panel acknowledged stakeholder support for PIRSA’s cost recovery models it also highlighted the need for improvements in transparency and regular benchmarking. Issues that we have now considered and will continue to investigate.”

Following a review of the Panel’s recommendations, the State Government has fully accepted 28 of the 33 recommendations, with two recommendations partially accepted, two requiring further consideration by industry and one deemed not to be in scope.

Of these, the Government believes the Panel’s recommendations relating to the introduction of fisheries and aquaculture self-insurance funds, should be driven, if there is support, by the respective commercial sectors.

The Government is not considering the Panel’s recommendation to introduce a recreational fishing licence.

“Industry stakeholders were engaged extensively throughout this review process, and we will continue to liaise with our fisheries and aquaculture sectors, about the Panel recommendations and our response to the Panel’s findings,” said Minister Scriven.

“I thank the members of the Independent Cost Recovery Review Panel for the important work they have undertaken with this review.

“The sustainability and viability of these sectors is essential to our State,” the Minister said.

To view the reports from the Independent Cost Recovery Review Panel and the State Government’s response visit

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