The Queensland Government today announced a $1 million innovation fund to support future operations of the state’s Rural Fire Service (RFS).
Minister for Fire and Emergency Services, Mark Ryan said that ensuring Rural Fire Brigades have access to the best equipment available was a priority for the Government.
“This innovation fund will enable new solutions and technologies to be tested for operational effectiveness, in consultation with volunteers on the front line,” he said.
“In addition, the increase in staffing will improve service training delivery across multiple areas.”
The announcement of the RFS Innovation Fund was made on Yellow Ribbon Day – all Queenslanders are encouraged to wear a yellow ribbon today to show support for the dedicated RFS volunteers, officers and staff who serve local communities, year in and year out.

“Rural fire brigades do so much more than just fight grassfires and bushfires. They are on the ground with their communities, providing vital education and support for people to be prepared for bushfire season,” said QFES Commissioner, Greg Leach.
“Our RFS volunteers provide protection for 93% of the state’s land area.”
“We are anticipating increased fire activity this bushfire season and once again our dedicated RFS volunteers will be called upon to protect lives and property when fire strikes.
“I encourage everyone to have their bushfire survival plans up-to-date and be ready to enact them if needed.”
Rural Fire Brigades Association Queensland (RFBAQ) President, Ian Pike thanked the Government for its investment in rural brigades.
“The RFBAQ in partnership with others has been supporting innovation for equipment and processes for many years in support of Rural Fire Brigades,” h esaid.
“This $1 million Innovation Fund from the State Government will accelerate the opportunities for better services and better equipment.”