Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Peel Health Campus now in public hands


From today, Peel Health Campus (PHC) will be a WA Government-operated facility, with 95% of existing staff transitioning to the hospital and new staff recruited, bringing the total number of doctors, nurses, allied health and support staff to nearly 1,100.

Health Minister, Amber-Jade Sanderson said the transition will allow the South Metropolitan Health Service (SMHS) to link and align clinical services provided at other WA Health sites for the people of the Peel region.

“We are also undertaking a major redevelopment of the hospital to ensure it continues to meet the needs of the region into the future,” said Minister Sanderson.

“The upgrade will mean more beds, more outpatient services and an additional mental health emergency centre for the local community.”

New uniforms for the Peel campus were unveiled today, based on local Aboriginal artwork. A newly created Aboriginal Health Liaison Officer role will also work out of Peel Health Campus.

A new in-sourced pharmacy service will also now operate at the hospital, which will mean patients will not be invoiced for their medications on discharge.

The Government says significant work has occurred to ensure a safe and seamless handover of operations including the update and transfer of ICT systems, enhancements to equipment and support for staff to ensure continued clinical excellence.

The redevelopment of Peel Health Campus is also underway with the tender for the forward works due to be released shortly.

The current redevelopment budget of $152 million will be updated when final planning is complete, with existing funding utilised to progress redevelopment enabling works.

The redevelopment will include more than 60 additional inpatient beds, including more mental health inpatient beds, 15 palliative care hospice beds, an additional operating theatre and the introduction of a new Mental Health Emergency Centre.

It will also deliver 12 chemotherapy places, more outpatient services, and a new build of medical imaging services, along with a reconfiguration of the emergency department and expansion of the day procedure unit.

This is on top of the $10 million upgrade for Peel Health Campus already delivered and includes an expanded emergency department, additional car parking, overhauled nurse call system and increased security.

A new Peel community mental health and specialist community eating disorder service will also open in 2025. 

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