More than 17,000 education assistants, cleaners and gardeners – covered by the United Workers Union and mostly employed by the Department of Education – have accepted the WA Government’s latest pay offer.
Workers covered by two industrial agreements will receive increases of $65 per week from 1 January 2025 and 2026. For education assistants, this represents wage improvements of between 5.09% and 6.5% in the first year, and 4.84% and 6.11% in the second year.
“I commend the United Workers Union and its delegates for their commitment in reaching this positive outcome for over 17,000 education assistants, cleaners and gardeners,” said Industrial Relations Minister, Simone McGurk.
“The Cook Labor Government has now delivered tailored outcomes for over 100,000 public sector workers under our principles-based Wages Policy. This is a significant achievement.
“We look forward to finalising negotiations with the remaining groups as a matter of priority.”
The agreements also provide several new and enhanced conditions – including incentives for employees in the South West, Great Southern and Wheatbelt regions, and pro rata long service leave after seven years continuous service.