Wednesday, February 12, 2025

NT public sector agency changes announced

Northern Territory Chief Minister, Lia Finocchiaro says changes to Territory’s public sector agencies will create a strong, effective government focused on the Government’s key priorities of reducing crime, rebuilding the economy and restoring lifestyle.

In line with the official swearing-in of the new Cabinet today, Chief Minister Finocchiaro said the machinery of government changes enable Ministers to deliver on the Northern Territory Government’s commitments to Territorians. 

“We are determined to lead a government which is effective, coordinated and focused on the priorities of Territorians,” she said.

“A strong public service is vital in delivering the changes the Northern Territory and its people need. Public sector jobs are safe.

“Together, we will rebuild the Territory for all Territorians.”

Under the changes, the number of key agencies will increase from 12 to 18.

The Chief Minister said the new arrangements have been designed with clear objectives in mind.

“We are aligning our public sector structures with our Government’s top priorities, building a stronger, more specialised public service with technical expertise within smaller departments, empowering quicker and informed decisions that are made closer to the ground,” she said.

“The new structures will also enable services to be more agile and responsive.

“Mr Ken Davies PSM, CEO of the Department of the Chief Minister and Cabinet is experienced and knowledgeable and will provide sure footing to implement the machinery of government changes and our reform agenda.

“I take this opportunity to thank Ms Karen Weston for her service to education in the Northern Territory, as well as Dr Marco Briceno for his service to Health, who will continue to bring his professional expertise to the frontline in health.  I also thank Mr Craig Graham for his long service as Under Treasurer and I am pleased that he will take on a strategic advisory role to support the development of the Middle Arm Sustainability Development precinct as a major driver of the Territory’s economy.”

Agencies under the new structure with CEO (in Administrative Arrangements Order)

Department of the Chief Minister and Cabinet (CM&C) – Ken Davies PSM, including the Office of the Commissioner for Public Employment (OCPE) – Nicole Hurwood

Department of Treasury and Finance (DTF) – Under-Treasurer Tim McManus

Attorney-General’s Department (AGD)- Gemma Lake

Department of Corporate and Digital Development (DCDD) – Catherine Weber 

NT Police (NTPOL) – Commissioner Michael Murphy APM

NT Fire and Emergency Service (NTFES) – Commissioner Andrew Warton

Department of Education and Training (DET) – Susan Bowden 

Department of Health (DOH) – Chris Hosking

Department of Children and Families (DCF)- Emma White

Department of Corrections (DoC) – Commissioner Matthew Varley

Department of Trade, Business and Asian Relations (DTBAR) – Hayley Richards

Department of Mining and Energy (DME) – Alister Trier

Department of Logistics and Infrastructure (DLI) – Louise McCormick

Department of Lands, Planning and Environment (DLPE) – Joanne Townsend

Department of Agriculture and Fisheries (DAF) – Andrew Kirkman

Department of Housing, Local Government and Community Development (DHLGCD) – Luccio Cercarelli PSM

Department of Tourism and Hospitality (DTH) – Suzana Bishop

Department of People, Sport and Culture (DPSC) – Samantha Livesley.

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