The Victorian Government has announced new support for Aboriginal school students to complete Year 11 and 12 through the Marrung Education Scholarships program.
Minister for Education, Ben Carroll today congratulated the recipients of the Marrung Education Scholarships, which recognise students who demonstrate a high potential to succeed in their chosen pathway, including strong academic results and dedicated involvement in their local Aboriginal community.
Recipients of a Marrung Education Scholarship receive $5,000 each over two years as support to complete Year 11 and 12 in a Victorian Government school.
This year, the Victorian Government is offering 30 scholarships to First Nations students as part of its Marrung Aboriginal Education Plan 2016-2026.
It says there have been important improvements in outcomes across early childhood, schools and into higher education and training since the launch of Marrung. The Aboriginal Four-Year-Old Kindergarten participation rate for 2023 was 100% – 4.2 percentage points higher than the participation rate for all children of 95.8%.
“The Marrung Education Scholarships recognise the academic excellence and leadership of Aboriginal students in Victoria – creating more opportunities for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students to reach their full potential on whichever career pathway they choose,” said Minister Carroll.
“Marrung is all about ensuring the rich and thriving culture, knowledge and experience of our first peoples is celebrated by all Victorians and that our education system is inclusive, responsive and respectful of Koorie people at every stage of their learning.”
The number of Aboriginal students completing Year 12 has increased from 523 in 2017 to 619 in 2023, up from 175 in 2005, and the proportion of Aboriginal Year 12 completers not in education, training or employment has decreased from 8% in 2019 to 6% in 2022.