An investment of $26 million from both the ACT and Australian Governments is set to fund the construction of a New Recycling Facility for Canberra.
The facility will be built on the same site that was extensively damaged by a fire in December 2022, as well as the adjoining block where new technology will expand the capacity to sort and process glass, plastic, paper and cardboard.
ACT Chief Minister, Andrew Barr said the new facility will increase resource recovery by creating higher quality recycled products and reducing the amount of waste ending up in landfill. Funding will allow work to commence with a contract expected to be awarded in the coming months.
“Canberra’s extremely high quality of life ranking reflects the high standards of the liveability and attractiveness of our city. We are investing in the staff and equipment needed to maintain a high standard of service delivery in mowing, tree management and other city services,” he said.
“This investment will respond to the demands of our growing population and changing climate to ensure Canberra remains resilient and flexible to shifting horticulture maintenance needs.”
Minister for City Services, Tara Cheyne said she was pleased that work will soon start on the New Recycling Facility, following an extended period of time without the critical infrastructure being able to be provided in the city.
“With the FOGO pilot proving very popular, and the numbers and types of multi-unit developments growing since its inception, it is timely for us to expand the pilot by more than 20 per cent to learn more insights from these household types,” she said.
“We’ve learned that the only certainty about our weather now is uncertainty. Investing in an improved baseline of capability across our crews is the most critical way for us to better respond to these challenges.”