Wednesday, February 12, 2025

New Queensland Premier’s Dept DG jumps ship from SA

Damien Walker has today been formally announced as Queensland’s Director-General of the Department of the Premier and Cabinet.

Mr Walker (pictured), who is currently Chief Executive of the Department of the Premier and the Cabinet for the Government of South Australia, is set to return to Queensland to lead the Queensland public service.

He was appointed Chief Executive of the SA Department of the Premier and Cabinet in April 2022, after 12 years in Queensland. Mr Walker previously led Queensland’s Department of State Development, Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning.

He was also responsible for delivering the Gold Coast 2018 Commonwealth Games through the Queensland Government’s Office of the Commonwealth Games.

Chris Lamont has been appointed as Director-General of the Department of Customer Services, Open Data and Small and Family Business.

Mr Lamont comes to Queensland from NSW where he is currently the Small Business Commissioner, a role where he represents and advocates on behalf of 850,000 small businesses across the state.  

He has also held roles at the City of Melbourne Council where he was responsible for capital projects and infrastructure and NSW Business Chamber, where he led policy and advocacy.

His experience includes leading critical infrastructure and public policy solutions.

Premier David Crisafulli said the appointments were part of delivering a Fresh Start for Queensland.

“Both Damien and Chris bring enormous experience and dynamism to their respective portfolios and the public service will be strengthened by their appointments,” Premier Crisafulli said.

“The appointments of Mr Walker and Mr Lamont emphasise stability and strength of leadership are at the heart of the public service.

“I would like to extend my thanks to David Mackie and Steven Koch for their critical roles in leading the transition of government.

“Mr Mackie will return to his role as Public Sector Commissioner when Mr Walker commences duty after doing an outstanding job as the Acting Director-General of Premier and Cabinet from late October.

“Highly respected for his role in the public service, Mr Koch will return to a Deputy Director-General role, within the Department of Trade, Employment and Training, after Mr Lamont commences,” the Premier said.

Mr Walker will commence on 23 December 2024 and Mr Lamont starts on 6 January 2025. 

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