Tasmanian Police have charged four children over damage caused to Metro buses in Southern Tasmania this month.
A 12-year-old youth has been charged in relation to several matters including allegedly damaging a Metro bus on 16 October.
A 13-year-old youth will be proceeded against in relation to allegedly damaging a Metro bus on 5 October.
A 15-year-old youth and an 18-year-old man will be proceeded against for allegedly damaging a Metro bus on 8 October.
“Tasmania Police has dedicated officers who work closely with Metro Tasmania, and we will continue to detect and deter anti-social behaviours and damage to Metro buses,” said Inspector Jason Klug.
Anyone who witnesses anti-social or illegal behaviours is asked to contact police on 131 444 or report to Crime Stoppers at crimestopperstas.com.au or on 1800 333 000 – information can be provided anonymously.