The ACT Government has today released the Sexual Assault (Police) Review Report which recommends changes to improve responses to sexual crime.
The Review examined 684 sexual assault cases reported to ACT Policing between 1 July 2020 and 31 December 2021 which were not progressed to charge, including those deemed unfounded, uncleared, or withdrawn.
The report makes 28 recommendations including the establishment of an ongoing review mechanism for sexual assault cases, changes in ACT Policing processes, and the establishment of specialist roles within the criminal justice system including sexual violence advocates and specialist advisers within ACT Policing.
“While I know ACT Policing has introduced many significant changes in how victim-survivors are supported, I welcome this insight as they continue this work. This report gives us a much deeper understanding of how we can address key issues and improve our response to people who experience sexual violence,” said Minister for the Police and Crime Prevention, Mick Gentleman.
“I want Canberrans to feel safe in coming forward to report crimes to ACT Policing. And I want them to know that sexual assault cases will be investigated in a sensitive way that recognises the traumatic circumstances they are experiencing.
“I know that ACT Policing committed to this review process because they want to see reform as well. I also acknowledge and thank ACT Policing for their commitment to embrace change, their contributions and transparency in providing access to information, without which the depth of insights of the report would not have been achieved.
“They are dedicated to protecting the community in which they live and work, and these recommendations will help to drive reform in the right direction,” said Mr Gentleman.
The ACT Government says a detailed response on the review will be delivered in August 2024, following work with victim-survivors, services, and other stakeholders.
In the interim, the ACT Government is providing immediate funding of $380,000 to Victim Support ACT and the Canberra Rape Crisis Centre to improve the availability of supports for victim-survivors.
“Everyone in the community has the right to be safe and as a government we are committed to doing all we can to prevent and respond to sexual violence. Our justice system must do better to respond to the needs of victim-survivors,” said Minister for the Prevention of Domestic and Family Violence, Yvette Berry.
“This report makes for difficult reading. It’s clear that the system has let down victim survivors of sexual violence repeatedly.
“Thank you to those victim-survivors who shared their experiences. Your stories will drive real change.”
The Government confirmed Operation Foster, ACT Policing’s dedicated reinvestigations team will be continued to ensure that all cases that were subject to the Review are addressed as a priority. They will do this adopting a best practice multidisciplinary approach with Victim Support ACT, it said.
Attorney-General Shane Rattenbury said he was grateful to the victim-survivors who so honestly and generously shared their experience with the Government, as well as the analysis and expertise brought by the report’s authors.
“They have helped us to identify which parts of the criminal justice system need to improve, and we will continue to act on their feedback,” said Mr Rattenbury.
“As the report says, this work presents a significant opportunity for the ACT Government to implement reform, drive meaningful change for victim-survivors and to continue to build community trust in ACT justice agencies.”
The Report is in response to recommendation 15 of the 2021 Listen. Take Action to Prevent, Believe and Heal Report.
The Sexual Assault (Police) Review Report is available online.