Monday, January 20, 2025

$10 million for ACT road safety upgrades

The Australian Government is partnering with the ACT Government to commit to reducing deaths and injuries on Canberra roads, announcing a $10 million funding boost.

The investment under the national Road Safety Program is jointly funded by the Australian and ACT governments, with each contributing $5 million.

The funding will deliver 18 projects directly addressing road safety, including replacing non-compliant safety barriers, new bikeways, widening the shared pathway network, intersection improvements and other local area traffic management measures.

“The first priority of the ACT Active Travel Plan is the delivery of safe infrastructure for walking and cycling, and that is what this investment is delivering through new cycleways and crossings on our key cycle routes to Kingston, Belconnen, Woden and the Inner North,” said ACT Minister for City Services, Tara Cheyne.

“$2.7 million in funding will deliver the second stage of the Kingston Cycleway through the Kingston Foreshore, following the opening of the highly popular first stage on Bowen Drive earlier this year.

“Keeping our kids safe during their walk or ride to school is a focus of this investment, with funding to deliver infrastructure improvements near schools in Kambah, Watson and Palmerston.

“This investment will improve safety on our roads for residents right across the ACT for years to come, with upgrades ranging across suburban streets, major urban arterials and our rural roads.”

Works also include speed cushions, reduced speed limits in high-risk areas, fixing footpaths and bike path missing links, and safe crossing facilities especially around school zones.

“Any death on our roads is one too many and that’s why the Australian, state and territory governments are committed to improving road safety, and significantly reducing the number of road deaths and serious injuries on our roads,” said Federal Assistant Minister for Infrastructure and Transport, Carol Brown.

“The Road Safety Program is part of our ongoing commitment to this vision by funding works identified by state and territory governments. 

“These works will also help us with improving road safety data and program evaluation, and we appreciate the ACT Government’s support on this vital work.

“We’re working closely with the ACT Government to help reduce fatal and serious road accidents across the ACT.”

Thirty jobs will be supported by these projects, which are expected to be delivered by 30 June 2025.

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